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Exciting Book Events and Updates: Fall 2024 Schedule!

Fall and Winter have come and gone and I must have missed Spring, or it didn’t arrive; this climate being as unpredictable as it is, we shouldn’t be surprised. I do not update my social media as often as I should these days, but I’d like to share some of the stuff I’ve been doing, like literary events and speaking engagements, traveling as far north as Maine and Fairbanks, as south as Tucson, while meandering a way through the difficult changes in life, which is for the best, I think, as life is continuous transmutation, isn’t it?

The celebrations of Swim Home to the Vanished over the last six months (nine?) have been wonderful and heart-filling. Readers, including family members, students, and workshop attendees, have come up to say how they found deep connection and understanding from Swim Home, which is so inspiring to hear. It’s a force I did not expect. It’s a motivator, or reason, to continue writing and making art, because it’s not just for me.

I’ve thrown together a gallery below documenting a little of where I’ve been the last several months: Dartmouth and Phillips Exeter last fall, the Tucson Festival of Books this winter, the Navajo Nation Library in Window Rock, Reed College in Portland. I spent three weeks at artists’ residency at Virginia Center for the Creative Arts where I feel so grateful to be part of a tribe of other writers, lovers of literature, the extraordinary creator-creatures that include, but not limited to, composers, painters, sculptors, filmmakers, photographers, dancers.

AND EXCITING NEWS: I will be visiting one of my favorite bookstores in the world, Elliott Bay Book Company, on August 28th, in Seattle. And THEN to my all-time favorite, the magical Powell’s Bookstore (Portland’s Burnside location) on August 29th. Reading at these places fulfills a childhood dream. If you’re in the Pacific Northwest, you must come out and visit me and pack those seats, plus get your book signed!

I am currently in the midst of scheduling the fall launch of the August 20, 2024 paperback release of Swim Home to the Vanished! If you would like to book me for a reading, class visit, or lecture, please send me a note!

Keep an eye out for more upcoming events as we confirm locations soon. Join my mailing list below! – BSB

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